A beautiful abstract reverse
Los 1897
UNCERTAIN GERMANIC TRIBES, Pseudo-Imperial coinage. Late 3rd-early 4th centuries. 'Aureus' (Gold, 20 mm, 5.70 g, 11 h), 'Ulów Group', O3/R3. Imitating Claudius II, 268-270, or Aurelian, 270-275. OИO∞И NOИBNTOIΓT Laureate, draped and cuirassed imperial bust to left. Rev. O III III The emperor, laureate, seated right, holding mace-like scepter in his right hand and crescent within circle of pellets in his left. Aurum Barbarborum I, -, cf. 805 (same obverse die, but differing reverse). Bursche, Ulów, -, cf. figs. 1-2 and 9-11 (same obverse die, but differing reverse types). A lovely example with a very interesting reverse. Holed, otherwise, good very fine.

From the Aurum Barbarorum Collection.

Decoding this lovely reverse is quite a challenge, as the artist combined various Roman motives into a new, decidedly Germanic image. The seated figure probably derives from depictions of seated gods, but its laureate head points toward an image of the emperor, whose scepter may have turned into this mace-like staff. The crescent within a circle of pellets, on the other hand, likely represents a hand holding a patera or a wreath.
350 CHF
280 CHF
2400 CHF
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